
QSPA Bispevika is pleased to present Steinar Haga Kristensen´s Jubileum series from 2019 to 2021

Opening March 17, 2022, at 18:00

The exhibition will be comprised of works from three separate but related bodies of works, all titled «Jubileum» (Jubilee). Presented together for the first time, this is a unique opportunity to highlight the artist’s work within the field of printmaking at QSPA Bispevika. The intermediate group, Jubileum 2020 (2020) was part of Steinar Haga Kristensen´s recent installation at Trondheim Kunstmuseum which was awarded with the prestigious Lorck Schive Kunstpris in 2021.

The Jubileum series conducts a self-survey in the format of a jubilee, an arbitrary celebration of cyclic recurrence. At the same time, exploring the various potentialities inherent to ornamentation as a phenomenon of civilizational manifestation - of identification, collective imaginings, and the occurrence of historical movement on even the most trivial sites.

Jubileum 2019 includes an edition of 40 works celebrating the «Syk Profet» (Prophete malade) painting, going back as far as 20 years - here evidenced in the jubilee/20th-anniversary graphic print edition of his visage.

Jubileum 2020 contains an edition of 39 motifs depicting a humanoid figure carrying different artifacts from Haga Kristensen´s back catalog, the series was later avatarized and developed as the protagonist in a 3D videogame.

Jubileum 2021 comprises a number of unique prints based on an event in 2011 showing the artist's takes on the Ash Lad´s rhetorical artifacts from the folklore tale “The Princess who always had to have the Last Word”.

Steinar Haga Kristensen’s extensive practice spans a variety of mediums and formats: painting, sculpture, printmaking, bodies in space - inanimate or live, on and off screens. Yet, at the heart of Haga Kristensen’s practice lies a relentless performing of itself and its motifs, and it is from this that every object and situation takes place across shape and form. The continuous digesting and re-digesting of work in Haga Kristensen’s practice, apart from committing to an exhaustive perversion of artistry.

Exhibition period: March 17 – May 29, 2022

