Fullscreen slideshow with 4 images

Syrjamaki, Annika, "Revolution of Paint"
Analysing the development in paint trought three artist, using 17 paintings and the 10 most used colors of each painting
Right Hironymus Bosch ( oil paint), middle Monet (paint-tube), left: Helen Frankentaler- (acrylicpaint).
Full color screenprints 50x70cm. Edition 7-10 each
Courtesy of the artist

Sysi, Suvi, "Settle", 2021
Handmade ceramic pieces, layed on top of painted birchwood, 10 x 450 x 240cm
Installation, Forum Box/ Helsinki
Courtesy of the artist

Tuttle, Martha, "Wild irises grow in the mountains", 2021
Installation view: Tilton Gallery, New York, NY.
Courtesy of the artist

Vanni, Éugenia, "Xilofagia / Xilografia #2 (dark blue version)", 2018
Woodcut: found wooden board eaten / holed by woodworms, inked and printed on paper
Matrix size: 880 x 645 cm, paper size: 100 x 70 cm. Unique.
Courtesy Villa Pacchiani (Santa Croce sull’Arno, Pisa) and Galleria Fuoricampo, SienaPh. Ela Bialkowska, Okno studio