Fullscreen slideshow with 21 images

Villiam Miklos Andersen, "Wet Now", 2020
Photogravure prints in Plexiglas frames on wooden board
100 x 150 x 6 cm
Photograph by Ivan Murzin

Malou da Cunha Bang, "Takt (Tact)", 2020
Sheet 85 x 121 cm
Image 63 x 81 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Patricia Risopatron Berg, "Tuve apen suite", 2020
21 x 18 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Marijn Dijkmeijer, "Mot en Berg", 2020
Etching and stencil
26 x 33 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Nina Edling, "Off and On", 2018
Wood cut mounted on Board
58 x 62 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Fiskis Collective, "Tales from the Kitchen Table I", 2020
Potato print and ink-pen
20 x 30 cm
Courtesy of the artists

Beatrice Guttormsen, "Apartment 420 - fragments of a memory (Leilighet 420 - fragmenter av et minne)", 2020
Woodcut on textile
710 x 244 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Johannes Heikkila, "Paakkola", 2019
Multilayered woodcut
81 x 134 x 7 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Essie Immonen, "Wiggle", 2019
Screenprint on paper
76 x 56 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Malte Klagenberg, "Landscape", 2020
Drypoint print and pencil drawing
120 cm x 69 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Cathrine Alice Liberg, "The Past is a Foreign Land (Cecilia)", 2020
50 x 56 cm
Edition of 33
Courtesy of the artist

Klara Lindwall, ”Tjärn/Pond”, 2019
Screen printed monoprint
50 x 70 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Sari Majander, "Merge", 2018
Woodcut and digital print
126 x 102 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Yasmina Malmsten

Eliyah Mesayer, "Thunderstorms and a waterfall of roses", 2019
Black silver print, recreation of an alchemical process
Process no. 87
From the Jabir Ibn Hayyan Treatises
110 x 88,8 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Anna Pajak, "Undreamed – Waters", 2020
Etching on Zerkall mould paper
Sheet 53 x 38 cm
Image 16,5 x 28,5 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Emma Peura, "Matkapäiväkirja/Travel Journal", 2019
Drypoint, copper, printmaking ink, elastic, varnish
Copper page size 12 x 16 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Mette Rasmussen, ”Manteltårnet”, 2020
60 x 40 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Sonja Sagan, "Our Ground is Our For(u)m", 2020
Digital collage
300 x 322 mm
Courtesy of the artist

Cathrine Finsrud Stustad, "Talking to stars", 2019
Etching, drypoint, botanical contactprint, lino, woodprint, chineese waterprint and drawing
The print is exposed to the elements for aprox a month
70 x 120 cm
Photo: Tom Kolstad

Sysi Suvi, "Ascend", 2020
Monotype on paper, plaster cast
Installation, size variable
Courtesy of the artist